Dr. M. R. Riazi (AIChE Fellow, PEng)
Chair and Professor
Department of Chemical and Natural Gas Engineering
Texas A&M University-Kingsville
Kingsville, Texas, U.S.A. 78363
Phone: (+1) 361-593-2338
E-mails: m.r.riazi@tamuk.edu
1. More than 100 papers in refereed journals. For details click on the link below as shown by Google Scholar: [ ?M R Riazi? - ?Google Scholar????? ]See sample journal papers
2. Founding editor and Editor in Chief of International Journal of Oil, Gas and Coal Technology (IJOGCT) since 2008. Published in UK. [ www.inderscience.com]
1. Chairing many international conference related to petroleum production, Enhanced Oil Recovery, Heavy Oil, Petroleum Refining, Chemical & Petroleum Engineering. Foundig chair of ICOGCT conference series.
2.Chair of FPD (Fuel and Petrochemical Division) of AIChE Annual Meetings: 2022 and 2023